Restricted Access Stats
Brian Cassidy
During the 2018 U18 in St. Andrews we had a request from coaches that detailed stats (shooting percentages) be kept but not displayed online on our website. We will almost certainly get this request again next year and I think it would be useful feature to add to Curling I/O. I'm not sure about implementation details but there has to be a way to allow access to these stats on a per-user basis (email address perhaps). Maybe this feature is best handled through our proposed portal?
Dave Rapin
FYI if a competition has a max age of 19 or less, the shot by shot stats will not be shown via the widgets (but can still be captured).
Michelle Koebernick
At the U18 event in 2019 in Sherwood Park, I requested the same thing. I am also attending the U18 in Sudbury this year (2020). Has this request been implemented yet? Thanks, Michelle
Dave Rapin
We're going to keep this in mind when migrating the competition management features to V2.
Justin Perry
Dave Rapin: As discussed in light of the recent 2019 U18 Boys/Girls (Fredericton, NB) competition, this boils down to the suppression of shot-grades/percentages from being outputted to the Scoreboard widget. While this can be done by you on a case-by-case basis with a quick bit of code in the back-end, we might consider adding to the Competition Edit UI a toggle for "Don't Publish Shot Grades" or something of the like. A fringe case, but perennial.
The other component to the U18 scenario is the need for a distributable private shot-grade/percentage reports to a list of select recipients (e.g. parents, coaches), so this stuff can be shared offline.