Fixed Headers for Public Draw Schedule and Standings.
Ron Pelkey
When displaying the Schedule and Standings for a League, the user interface is difficult to use. In the schedule (we have 8 sheets) one must scroll to the bottom in order to scroll right to see higher numbered sheets. However once scrolled down you can no longer see the header (e.g. Sheet number). Similarly on the Standings page, when scrolling down you lose sight of the header. We don't mind if this can be downloaded (which we do for the Schedule from Admin) but there is no Standings page in the Admin console to download. Once downloaded we can happily port it to a Google sheet for displaying. Thank you. Ron Pelkey (Calgary Curling Club)
Steve Copeland
Can this also be added when using the widget?
Dave Rapin
Steve Copeland
Agree, it would improve the overall user experience if the header row and the fist column were "sticky", and remained visible while scrolling.
Dave Rapin
You'll have the same scrolling issue in a spreadsheet if it exceed the horizontal limit, and so I guess the ask here is to have fixed headers like you can do in a spreadsheet (are you fixing the header row this in your spreadsheets?)
Ron Pelkey
Dave Rapin: Dave. Yes, when I download the schedule and port it to a spreadsheet I do fix the header row. When we display a schedule on our TV screen at the club I have a Google Apps script JS program which hides the dates which have passed, so the most current schedule is right under the header row(s). As far as width (horizontal) goes, I vary the font and fit the width into the screen layout, so it all fits onto a single screen width wise. Hope this makes sense. Ron