Drop down to select Team during registrtation process
Dave Rapin
There is now an option for team name when setting up your leagues and competitions to restrict it to existing teams. This will make team name required and give registrants a dropdown instead of a text field.
It is only useful if you are pre-creating teams or later during registration once you've created and filled up on teams to prevent registrants from naming new teams.
Dave Rapin
under review
Kent Bird
It would be nice to have the option of entering the team names for the league, especially if you are limited to number of teams and the league is full.
Steve Mackey
Creating the teams in advance isn't an issue for the leagues I'm involved in.
Dave Rapin
This would need to be an optional flag (checkbox) for the event since you would need to create the teams in advance to have anything in the dropdown and most clubs won't know their teams ahead of time.