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Dave Rapin
Dave Rapin
under review
Curling Club Development I think this is a good idea. Not sure where to put it though. Is this important enough to justify a spot in the top nav? We were also considering "Volunteer" as a potential top nav item at some point and I don't think we can fit both, which means one or both will be demoted to the Account nav which may or may not make sense.
I wonder if we can somehow combine this with sparing since it's very similar. Maybe it's just sparing but without selected an event. So you're saying "I'm available" as a Free Agent, and then give members a way to view all free agents.
Cold Lake Curling Club
Our workaround: we created a League called "Free Agents". When a member registers they are required to select a team name, restricted to either "Player looking for a team" or "Team looking for a player". The "notification email" field is set, so the moment someone registers, the league coordinators get the details. Custom required fields include "Skill level", "League", "Position(s)"; plus optional field "Comments".
The registration tab of the "Free Agents" league shows each player's contact info, and the "team" list shows their need...