Accounting software compatibility
Dave Rapin
The fees Judy asked for are currently in the payouts report. I'm creating some new tickets for Accounting specific reports.
Dave Rapin
under review
Judy Galenza
Ok thanks Dave. We are just in the process of setting up our software so once I can get more info from our bookkeeper about the columns she needs, I will get back to you. That may not be for a month or so. Thanks again for getting back to me about this.
Dave Rapin
Hi Judy, your accounting software can probably import CSV files that you download from Curling I/O.
That being said we would still like to generate exact CSV downloads that have been identified as desirable by our club's if you want to let us know specific columns you need for the various downloads.
Judy Galenza
Dave Rapin: Hi Dave. We have figured out the columns we would like in a Payouts report: Payment created, Order ID, Curler, Order amount, Order discount amount, Order tax, Order total, Payment amount, Payment fees, Payment net, Order item
Let me know if you need anything else. How will we access this custom report from curling io?
Judy Galenza: Hi Judy, This looks great. What accounting software are you using? And, can your accounting software accept the Notes associated with a payment to assist in bank reconciliation? e.g. Curler Mary's order is $300 and her husband Bob's order is $200. Mary hands over a cheque for $500. Manager records it as 2 payments in CIO (one against each order). CIO sees 2 payments of $300 and $200. Bank sees one cheque for $500. How would the payments be reconciled to the bank? Currently we use Notes on each payment to explain that the payments are on one cheque of $500...