Ability to remove someone from a league
Dave Rapin
You should be able to refund $0 order items now.
Dave Rapin
I think this would cause problems. If someone registered and paid for a league, then they are registered even if they don't show up. However, you don't have to assign them to a team.
I'm coming from a support perspective where someone removes a registration and then later they or someone else at the club send in a support request or bug report saying that a registration has disappeared.
Can you describe the specifics of the problem you are having that this would solve? I understand that a curler may not show, but can you describe what screen or feature in the system is unwieldy because of this no-show registration?
Dave Rapin: The biggest issue I'm seeing is that the ability to register as a spare is very unintuitive. Instead of the expected way via their profile, a lot of members are signing up as an "Alternate" but this takes up a slot against the league capacity. I tell the members to register as a spare the real way and remove their registration as a full-time Alternate, but there's no way for myself or them to cancel a league registration, due to the fact that at our club once you register as a member all leagues are $0. I can't refund their order for a league either, since I can't issue a $0 refund.
Dave Rapin
Andrew: OK I understand now. So the ability to remove a $0 line item (like you would with a refund) is probably the correct feature request would you agree? The sparing issue will need to be discussed on a separate ticket if you like, since that's a bit more complicated because different clubs handle spares differently.
Dave Rapin: Yes you're right, the ability to "refund" a $0 league registration would be a solution as well. I'm hoping that after this first year's growing pains people will learn the sparing process as well so I'm holding off making a request for that.